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showing posts for 'equality'

Why gender and income inequality are linked

The World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. Incorporated as a not-for-profit foundation in 1971, and headquartered...

Raise benefits to curb UK crisis in mental health, expert urges

Sir Michael Marmot says ‘uncaring’ system must be made more generous to bridge growing gap in health inequality

More progress needed to achieve gender equality in NHS leadership - Hospital Dr

More progress needed to achieve gender equality in NHS leadership - Hospital Dr

Are you a populist right wing conservative? Have you been hooked recently?

If I wanted to find those who have a "conservative ideology" - so that I could share my views or influence them - I would do the following: set up a new account and start making contactsshare several of those technology scare hoax stories that you see posted e.g. Dance of the Pope virus video, the Andrea...

It’s time we stopped dismissing women’s health problems: Controversy about cervical smear tests is just the latest in

It’s time we stopped dismissing women’s health problems: Controversy about cervical smear tests is just the latest in a series concerning women’s health. It’s time to talk about inequality in the doctor’s surgery

Health inequality research offers UK wake-up call - BBC News: Research shows that health inequality is blighting children's

Health inequality research offers UK wake-up call - BBC News: Research shows that health inequality is blighting children's lives, but the gap between rich and poor is making it hard to remedy the problem.

Scotland’s offer to give abortions to Northern Irish women shames Stormont | Patrick Corrigan: Theresa May must follow

Scotland’s offer to give abortions to Northern Irish women shames Stormont | Patrick Corrigan: Theresa May must follow Nicola Sturgeon’s lead in exposing the intransigence of Northern Ireland politicians and the inequality of access to terminations

  Royal College of Psychiatrists' response to the Equality Impact Assessment of the imposed Junior Doctors' Contract

  Royal College of Psychiatrists' response to the Equality Impact Assessment of the imposed Junior Doctors' Contract In response to the Equality Impact Assessment of the imposed Junior Doctors' Contract, the Royal College of Psychiatrists makes the following statement: “The Royal College of Psychiatrists...

A wholesale power grab: how the UK government is handing housing over to private developers: The new housing and planning

A wholesale power grab: how the UK government is handing housing over to private developers: The new housing and planning bill is a raft of dangerous measures that will increase inequality and solely benefit the private sector

What top researchers discovered when they re-ran the numbers on income inequality

What top researchers discovered when they re-ran the numbers on income inequality

In this book Tony Atkinson - Centennial Professor at the London School of Economics and Political Science - asks the question,

In this book Tony Atkinson - Centennial Professor at the London School of Economics and Political Science - asks the question, "If we wish to reduce the extent of inequality, how can this be done?" His answer includes looking at history for evidence of what has worked in the past and what could be...

The 15 Proposals from Tony Atkinson’s ‘Inequality - What can be done?’ – Tony Atkinson

The 15 Proposals from Tony Atkinson’s ‘Inequality - What can be done?’ – Tony Atkinson

New book: “Inequality – What can be done?” – Tony Atkinson

New book: “Inequality – What can be done?” – Tony Atkinson

Developing a website in Comic Sans - a dyslexia-friendly site consistent with equality and diversity training. Thanks for

Developing a website in Comic Sans - a dyslexia-friendly site consistent with equality and diversity training. Thanks for the challenge Simon! Here is the work in progress. It turns out that Comic Sans is not entirely web friendly (who'd have thought) but the team at have sorted out...