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showing posts for 'based'

Stripe acquires Nigeria's Paystack for over $200 million to expand its footprint in Africa

Africa is a great opportunity for ecommerce in coming decades and Nigeria's Paystack has been growing fast. "Stripe is a San Francisco-based fintech startup that provides payments infrastructure for businesses. Its software and APIs are used by millions of companies of all sizes to accept payments,...

Current themes and challenges facing HPE accreditation in the 21st century

A supplement in BMC Medical Education on Health Professional Education accreditation from the community of practice The International Health Professions Accreditation Outcomes Consortium (IFPAOC) - which was founded in 2012. This supplement focuses on graduate and residency programmes but it also addresses...

Adaptive tutorials versus web-based resources in radiology: a mixed methods analysis in junior doctors of efficacy and engagement:

Adaptive tutorials versus web-based resources in radiology: a mixed methods analysis in junior doctors of efficacy and engagement: Radiology education is limited in undergraduate Medicine programs. Junior doctors might not have the necessary background to effectively order and interpret diagnostic imaging...

Supporting migrants and refugees with posttraumatic stress disorder: development, pilot implementation, and pilot evaluation

Supporting migrants and refugees with posttraumatic stress disorder: development, pilot implementation, and pilot evaluation of a continuing interprofessional education for healthcare providers: Refugees and migrants face an increased risk of developing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Adequate...

A Systematic Review of Promising Therapeutic Targets in Hidradenitis Suppurativa: A Critical Evaluation of Mechanistic and

A Systematic Review of Promising Therapeutic Targets in Hidradenitis Suppurativa: A Critical Evaluation of Mechanistic and Clinical Relevance - PubMed: This systematic review identifies and critically evaluates the mechanistic and clinical evidence of new promising therapeutic targets in hidradenitis...

How novice and expert anaesthetists understand expertise in anaesthesia: a qualitative study: The development of expertise

How novice and expert anaesthetists understand expertise in anaesthesia: a qualitative study: The development of expertise in anaesthesia requires personal contact between a mentor and a learner. Because mentors often are experienced clinicians, they may find it difficult to understand the challenges...

Using Machine Learning to Detect Deficient Coverage in Colonoscopy Screenings

Using Machine Learning to Detect Deficient Coverage in Colonoscopy Screenings: Posted by Daniel Freedman and Ehud Rivlin, Research Scientists, Google Health "In “Detecting Deficient Coverage in Colonoscopies”, we introduce the Colonoscopy Coverage Deficiency via Depth algorithm, or C2D2, a machine...

Twitter Sentiment Analysis Approaches: A Survey

Twitter is one of the most popular microblogging and social networking platforms where massive instant messages (i.e. tweets) are posted every day. Twitter sentiment analysis tackles the problem of analyzing users’ tweets in terms of thoughts, interests and opinions in a variety of contexts and domains....

Comparison of E-Learning, M-Learning and Game-based Learning in Programming Education – A Gendered Analysis: Learning

Comparison of E-Learning, M-Learning and Game-based Learning in Programming Education – A Gendered Analysis: Learning to code is considered as a difficult and challenging task for a significant number of novice programmers in programming education. Novice programmers have to acquire different skills...

Deep learning-based, computer-aided classifier developed with dermoscopic images shows comparable performance to 164 dermatologists

Deep learning-based, computer-aided classifier developed with dermoscopic images shows comparable performance to 164 dermatologists in cutaneous disease diagnosis in the Chinese population - PubMed: The performance of CNN developed with relatively modest number of dermoscopic images of skin tumors and...

Establishing a taxonomy of potential hazards associated with communicating medical science in the age of disinformation

“In a globalised information age, medical science can appear disconnected and aloof from those it serves to help. Educational and professional bodies (including universities and medical centres) have a unique societal role to inform their peers and public on evidence-based medicine, and a responsibility...

Are you a populist right wing conservative? Have you been hooked recently?

If I wanted to find those who have a "conservative ideology" - so that I could share my views or influence them - I would do the following: set up a new account and start making contactsshare several of those technology scare hoax stories that you see posted e.g. Dance of the Pope virus video, the Andrea...

Effects of a quasi-experimental study of using flipped classroom approach to teach evidence-based medicine to medical technology

Effects of a quasi-experimental study of using flipped classroom approach to teach evidence-based medicine to medical technology students: Flipped classroom is known to improve learning efficiency and to develop one’s ability to apply high-level knowledge. To investigate the effect of flipped classroom...

Lorentzian-geometry-based analysis of airplane boarding policies highlights

Lorentzian-geometry-based analysis of airplane boarding policies highlights “slow passengers first” as better: This paper tackles the problem of airplane boarding by making use of geodesics in an appropriate spacetime. The authors find that boarding slower passengers first reduces the total boarding...

Drug therapy for delirium in terminally ill adults. Cochrane review.

Drug therapy for delirium in terminally ill adults. "terminally ill adults includes anyone with an advanced progressive illness such as advanced cancer, advanced dementia or organ failure, as well as those receiving hospice and end-of-life care ... " "We found low-quality evidence that, compared to...

Poorest adults in worse health now than older generation - study: Research shows widening health gap between higher and

Poorest adults in worse health now than older generation - study: Research shows widening health gap between higher and lower socioeconomic status. "The poorest third of the UK’s older working-age adults today have worse health than people born a century ago had at the same age, according to research...

Moore's outcomes framework and related papers

blog post image Outcomes-based planning for CME (Continuing Medical Education) often cites Donald Moore, Professor of Medical Education at Vanderbilt University. In 2009 he published an outcomes framework for CME (1) - which expanded George Miller's 1990 competency pyramid (2) - followed by a more detailed explanation...

UCL cancer policy update

“Because of the complexity of delivering better cancer care and the dynamics of NHS funding and introducing better practices in the health service there is a strong case for developing new cancer strategies for all the UK nations for the 2020s. Britain could also benefit from leading an independent...

Would you pay $1 million to enroll in a phase 1 clinical trial of an

Would you pay $1 million to enroll in a phase 1 clinical trial of an “anti-aging” gene therapy? "Libella Gene Therapeutics, LLC made the news last week for announcing a “pay-to-play” trial of its telomerase-based anti-aging gene therapy. What was shocking about the announcement was not that it...

Drugmaker to Test Machine Learning to Prevent Drug Shortages: Germany-based Merck plans to use analytics and machine learning

Drugmaker to Test Machine Learning to Prevent Drug Shortages: Germany-based Merck plans to use analytics and machine learning to predict and prevent drug shortages, a move that could also save it money.