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showing posts for 'mist'

Yaws could soon be eradicated — 70 years behind schedule Jones, Sam. Nature 2024.

Researchers are cautiously optimistic that the neglected tropical disease could be gone by 2030, but new barriers — including antibiotic resistance and primate reservoirs — might stand in the way. Researchers are cautiously optimistic that the neglected tropical disease could be gone by 2030, but...

Fatalism - the stalemate of us vs. COVID-19

Stephen Casper - medical historian at Clarkson University - offers a worrying prediction for COVID for the end of 2022. The analogy for COVID-19 won't be influenza but 'tuberculosis before the discovery of antibiotics'. A new hospital specialty might even exist - looking after COVID patients - and they...

Overturning 'conventional wisdom' with 'natural experiments'

Via Reuters ... "Economists David Card, Joshua Angrist and Guido Imbens won the 2021 Nobel economics prize on Monday for pioneering "natural experiments" to show real-world economic impacts in areas from minimum wage increases in the U.S. fast-food sector to migration from Castro-era Cuba." "One experiment...

Bank of England predicts rebound in the economy

"The Bank of England said Britain's economy would grow by the most since World War Two this year and slowed the pace of its trillion dollar bond-purchasing programme, but stressed it was not reversing its stimulus." Strong indications finally of a bounce back in the economy highlight the devastating...

Heisenberg on Helgoland - the value of spending time in natural surroundings

"It was finally time to use his strange calculus to calculate the energy of a real physical system. As his excitement mounted he kept on making mistakes and correcting them, but finally he had it. When he looked at it he was struck with joy and astonishment. Out of the dance of calculations emerged an...

Edtech VC survey, 5 founder mistakes, fintech liquidity, more – TechCrunch

Edtech is so widespread, we already need more consumer-friendly nomenclature to describe the products, services and tools it encompasses. I

US adult life expectancy falling for those without a college degree - Healthcare Economist


Is the UK destined to be the next life science hub?

Jason Shafrin explores the question in The Economist about the role of British science in the pandemic and the future of the UK life sciences activity. "With good data, efficient regulation, an international collection of talent, R&D funds focused on the health care, the UK could see big gains...

The tyranny of merit.

The Insufferable Hubris of the Well-Credentialed: A four-year college degree has become necessary for dignified work. Michael Sandel says that’s a huge mistake. "The meritocratic hubris of elites is the conviction by those who land on top that their success is their own doing, that they have risen...

Google performed the first quantum simulation of a chemical reaction

For the first time, Google has used its quantum computer Sycamore to simulate a chemical reaction, paving the way for quantum chemistry algorithms

Some science journals that claim to peer review papers do not do so: One estimate puts the number of papers in questionable

Some science journals that claim to peer review papers do not do so: One estimate puts the number of papers in questionable journals at 400,000

Does more cancer spending increase survival? Healthcare Economist asks ... the answer seems to be yes.

Does more cancer spending increase survival? Healthcare Economist asks ... the answer seems to be yes.

Is pharma rolling in cash or on the brink of a long-term decline? - Healthcare Economist "Although successful drugs often

Is pharma rolling in cash or on the brink of a long-term decline? - Healthcare Economist "Although successful drugs often are expensive, most drugs fail. Thus, while the returns from a blockbuster drug are large, returns from a companies’ entire portfolio may be very modest. Additionally, finding...

Short-duration podcasts as a supplementary learning tool: perceptions of medical students and impact on assessment performance:

Short-duration podcasts as a supplementary learning tool: perceptions of medical students and impact on assessment performance: Use of podcasts has several advantages in medical education. Podcasts can be of different types based on their length: short (1–5 min), moderate (6–15 min) and long (>15 min)...

Amazon to dive into health care? Yes, reports Healthcare Economist "Unsurprisingly, Amazon is also considering healthcare

Amazon to dive into health care? Yes, reports Healthcare Economist "Unsurprisingly, Amazon is also considering healthcare applications for their Echo product as well as their Alex voice assistant. Many may not know, but Amazon is already in the healthcare business, as a leading seller of medical supplies."...

400 The plain HTTP request was sent to HTTPS port

400 The plain HTTP request was sent to HTTPS port

Will the UK become a “desert for healthcare innovation”? « Healthcare Economist

Will the UK become a “desert for healthcare innovation”? « Healthcare Economist

Better living through quantum chemistry: Efforts to invent more practical superconductors and better batteries could be

Better living through quantum chemistry: Efforts to invent more practical superconductors and better batteries could be the first areas of business to get a quantum speed boost.

'7lbs in 7 days' retreat at Juicy Oasis Feb 20-27th 2016. Blog about the retreat. Just returned from a week at Juicy Oasis

'7lbs in 7 days' retreat at Juicy Oasis Feb 20-27th 2016. Blog about the retreat. Just returned from a week at Juicy Oasis in Portugal - a health and spa retreat based on a juicing diet run by Jason Vale. It was a lovely sunny escape from the February cold and rain in the UK. The main features were...

Health care to comprise 20% of the US economy by 2025 « Healthcare Economist

Health care to comprise 20% of the US economy by 2025 « Healthcare Economist