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showing posts for 'startup'

Mozilla launches a new startup focused on 'trustworthy' AI | TechCrunch

Mozilla, the nonprofit behind software like Firefox, has launched a new startup,, focused on developing trustworthy AI systems.

Infographic: Africa’s Booming Startup Scene

This chart shows the latest stats from Google's Africa Developer Ecosystem 2021 on the startup scene report.

Surfers offer free wooden bellyboards to cut plastic pollution

Traditional bellyboards are available for free across the UK, thanks to a startup that is committed to tackling discarded polystyrene boards

Why a U.S. hospital and oil company turned to facial recognition

Deployments of facial recognition from Israeli startup AnyVision show how the surveillance software has gained adoption across the United States even as regulatory and ethical debates about it rage.

French startup lobby to file privacy complaint against Apple

France Digitale will file a complaint against iPhone maker Apple with data privacy watchdog CNIL on Tuesday over alleged breaches of European Union rules, France's leading startup lobby said in a statement.

Stripe acquires Nigeria's Paystack for over $200 million to expand its footprint in Africa

Africa is a great opportunity for ecommerce in coming decades and Nigeria's Paystack has been growing fast. "Stripe is a San Francisco-based fintech startup that provides payments infrastructure for businesses. Its software and APIs are used by millions of companies of all sizes to accept payments,...

A Promising Solar Energy Breakthrough Just Achieved 1,000-Degree Heat From Sunlight: A new startup backed by Bill Gates

A Promising Solar Energy Breakthrough Just Achieved 1,000-Degree Heat From Sunlight: A new startup backed by Bill Gates says it has managed to harness solar energy to greater effect than ever before, generating enough heat from a field of mirrored panels to drive the production of cement, steel and glass...

Great advice. Keep up to date with technology, increase your entrepreneurship and communication skills, and hire women.

Great advice. Keep up to date with technology, increase your entrepreneurship and communication skills, and hire women. "Four Actions Engineers Can Take to Ensure Their Startup Succeeds: Venture advisor Chenyang Xu recommends staying up to date on technology and taking entrepreneurship classes."


This Danish startup evolved into a “newsletter company” because that was what its readers wanted.

It delivers an electronic summary to its subscribers at noon each day for a small monthly fee. I wonder how this might work for medical and science news? There are a wealth of news aggregators out there already but some form of professional journalism analysing the news would be of value.

Push Doctor, an app that lets you video call a doctor, raises $26.1M Series B: Push Doctor Limited, a U.K.-based startup

Push Doctor, an app that lets you video call a doctor, raises $26.1M Series B: Push Doctor Limited, a U.K.-based startup that lets you book a video consultation with a doctor and manage other aspects of your health digitally, has raised $26.1 million in Series B funding.

Alphabet's influence. Good round-up of past initiatives in health technology from Google and current areas of interest to

Alphabet's influence. Good round-up of past initiatives in health technology from Google and current areas of interest to Silicon Valley entrepreneurs. "Alphabet has quietly become the most influential player in Silicon Valley health tech: Alphabet has more than a dozen teams focused on health across...

What Happened When We Took the SCiO Food Analyzer Grocery Shopping: Who needs infrared spectrometers in their phones? People

What Happened When We Took the SCiO Food Analyzer Grocery Shopping: Who needs infrared spectrometers in their phones? People who hate buying tasteless produce or mystery cheese

If you do one online course this year make it this one. Calling Bullshit. A course for students at University of Washington

If you do one online course this year make it this one. Calling Bullshit. A course for students at University of Washington but all materials will be online. Live and archived videos of lectures will be made available. "The world is awash in bullshit. Politicians are unconstrained by facts. Science...

Digital-native outlets in Europe are more pragmatic than innovative, report suggests

"Digital-native news outlets in Europe tend to be more focused on delivering quality journalism than on creating new business models or innovating about ways news is presented, according to a new report from Oxford’s Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism that studied 12 online startups in France,...

Baby bracelet aims to save newborns in India from hypothermia: The 8m babies born prematurely every year in India are at

Baby bracelet aims to save newborns in India from hypothermia: The 8m babies born prematurely every year in India are at risk of hypothermia. A Bangalore startup has invented a bracelet to protect them

Kenyan Startup Uses the Sun to Turn Human Waste into Cooking Fuel: A Kenyan startup scales up its processing of human waste

Kenyan Startup Uses the Sun to Turn Human Waste into Cooking Fuel: A Kenyan startup scales up its processing of human waste with a new continuous flow system creating a new fuel stream for cooking

Here’s another startup trying to make it easier for publishers to engage with readers: Antenna allows readers to react

Here’s another startup trying to make it easier for publishers to engage with readers: Antenna allows readers to react to stories with pre-set emotions, and the company is expanding into e-commerce.

Could Satellite Messaging Startup Higher Ground Bring Down the 911 System?: New SatPaq device that turns smartphones into

Could Satellite Messaging Startup Higher Ground Bring Down the 911 System?: New SatPaq device that turns smartphones into satphones has communication giants worried

nuTonomy to Test World's First Fully Autonomous Taxi Service in Singapore This Year: MIT startup could be the first company

nuTonomy to Test World's First Fully Autonomous Taxi Service in Singapore This Year: MIT startup could be the first company in the world to deploy fully autonomous urban vehicles that you can ride in