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showing posts for 'soft'

Nightshade, the free tool that ‘poisons’ AI models, is now available for artists to use

blog post image "The tool's creators are seeking to make it so that AI model developers must pay artists to train on data from them that is uncorrupted." Artists can now use this software to modify their art and influence the big tech owners of AI tools to properly recognise the original works. Growing the poisonous...

Microsoft Cloud AI Accelerates Search for New Battery Materials

Extremetech report that "Microsoft and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory used AI to narrow a list of 32 million candidate materials down to 18 in hours instead of years."

Mozilla launches a new startup focused on 'trustworthy' AI | TechCrunch

Mozilla, the nonprofit behind software like Firefox, has launched a new startup,, focused on developing trustworthy AI systems.

Wearable Soft Robot Helps Parkinson's Patients Avoid 'Freezing'

A collaboration between Harvard University and Boston University, this device offers a solution to one of the most debilitating hallmarks of Parkinson's disease.

(We are not) using eHealth Data to Inform CPD for Medical Practitioners

"There is no formal or well-established correlation between individual performance data obtained through eHealth data analysis and CPD planning and programming for medical practitioners; in particular, the literature shows no consistency in type of eHealth data to analyze, software and tools to use,...

Development of a statistical analysis software for determining effectiveness of a comprehensive fall risk management protocol

"This quality improvement project resulted in the development of a computer application that allows clinicians and medical professionals to conduct data analysis in an in-clinic setting without the help of external statistical teams, and with minimal prior training in coding or mathematics."

Microsoft: Chinese hackers hit key US bases on Guam

The malware hit facilities on Guam that would be critical to any US response to an invasion of Taiwan.

AI information retrieval: A search engine researcher explains the promise and peril of letting ChatGPT and its cousins search

A new generation of artificial intelligence-based information access systems, which includes Microsoft’s Bing/ChatGPT, Google/Bard and Meta/LLaMA, is upending the traditional search engine mode of search input and output. These systems are able to take full sentences and even paragraphs as input and...

Lecturer detects bot use in one-fifth of assessments as concerns mount over AI in exams

Deakin University’s Sally Brandon says technology ‘not going away’ as educators strive to adapt to use of software such as ChatGPT

China has won AI battle with U.S., Pentagon's ex-software chief says

China has won the artificial intelligence battle with the United States and is heading towards global dominance because of its technological advances, the Pentagon's former software chief told the Financial Times.

How global conferences are using tech to stay in business

"Moving events online kept the industry going during the pandemic and now they're here to stay." Notable mentions of the conferences Collision, Web Summit, and RISE, and the speed networking software Mingle. "[T]he Distance Learning Association's Thomas Capone says that the future of meetings and events...

Pegasus: Spyware sold to governments 'targets activists'

Israeli tech firm NSO denies media reports that its software has been sold to authoritarian regimes. The Android and iOS spyware can apparently see photographs and contacts, log everything that is typed, and turn on the camera and microphone.

US passes emergency waiver over fuel pipeline cyber-attack

The US acts to keep fuel flowing after its largest pipeline was hit by a ransomware cyber-attack. "Cyber-security firm Digital Shadows says the Colonial attack has come about due to the pandemic - with more engineers remotely accessing control systems for the pipeline from home. James Chappell, co-founder...

Why a U.S. hospital and oil company turned to facial recognition

Deployments of facial recognition from Israeli startup AnyVision show how the surveillance software has gained adoption across the United States even as regulatory and ethical debates about it rage.

Friends of the Fal

Friends of the Fal are a group dedicated to providing a Community Conservation Project in Grampound for wildlife, recreation and educational purposes.

The Agile Manifesto 20 years on: agility in software delivery is still a work in progress | ZDNet

We've had two decades to absorb the values and principles of the Agile Manifesto. What have we learned, and what are we still learning? 'We are closer and more aware, but we are turning a tanker and it is slow and incremental.'

This Soft Robot Stingray Just Explored the Deepest Point in the Ocean

The bot could be a game-changer in how we explore the deep sea, especially its bizarre marine life. It can handle living specimens without damaging them.

First it was Agile software development, now Agile management is remaking the workplace | ZDNet

"The most effective managers have used the past 12 months to support new remote-working practices with Agile leadership styles. This is what two digital leaders have learnt from the experience - and here's how you can benefit."

The Technology Behind Cinematic Photos

There has been some work by teams at Google looking at analysing images to extract their 3D features. They launched a new feature called 'cinematic photos' and this blog posted by Per Karlsson and Lucy Yu, Software Engineers, of Google Research tries to explain how it works. "Looking at photos from...

Microsoft Teams AI could tell you who is most enjoying your video call

Researchers at Microsoft have developed an AI for the firm's Teams videoconferencing software that highlights positive audience reactions during a virtual presentation