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showing posts for 'pokemon'

Pokemon Go: Exercise impact 'short-lived' - BBC News: Research suggests playing Pokemon Go only had a short-term impact

Pokemon Go: Exercise impact 'short-lived' - BBC News: Research suggests playing Pokemon Go only had a short-term impact on players' increased activity.

Gotta catch’em all! Pokémon GO and physical activity among young adults: difference in differences study: Objective

Gotta catch’em all! Pokémon GO and physical activity among young adults: difference in differences study: Objective To estimate the effect of playing Pokémon GO on the number of steps taken daily up to six weeks after installation of the game. Design Cohort study using online survey data. Participants...

Word of the day: Pokèmonomics - retail outlets paying to attract customers with virtual creatures. Wonder when we'll start

Word of the day: Pokèmonomics - retail outlets paying to attract customers with virtual creatures. Wonder when we'll start seeing delegates use them to attract visitors to their booths at conferences? "Come and see our Pokémon on #A26 and try out new drug / machine / website."

Looking forward to the papers suggesting daily Pokemon Go steps targets. "Counting the Extra Footsteps From Pokémon Go

Looking forward to the papers suggesting daily Pokemon Go steps targets. "Counting the Extra Footsteps From Pokémon Go Mania: Some users are walking out of the way to catch 'em all. ... Millions of Pokémon Go users are suddenly getting real exercise while playing the game, which is done by walking...

A&E turned into Pokemon gym. Wonder which junior doc is defending it. ;-) "Pokemon Go gamers told to keep out of A&E

A&E turned into Pokemon gym. Wonder which junior doc is defending it. ;-) "Pokemon Go gamers told to keep out of A&E after monster hub is found there - Hospital Dr"

Donald Clark Plan B: 10 ways Pokemon Go portends AR in learning

Donald Clark Plan B: 10 ways Pokemon Go portends AR in learning