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showing posts for 'pig'

Google’s FLoC Is a Terrible Idea

Update, April 9, 2021 : We've launched Am I FLoCed, a new site that will tell you whether your Chrome browser has been turned into a guinea pig for Federated Learning of Cohorts or FLoC, Google’s latest targeted advertising experiment. The third-party cookie is dying, and Google is trying to create...

AI uses "ugly duckling" technique to spot melanoma with high accuracy

"Artificial intelligence is starting to combine with smartphone technology in ways that could have profound impacts on the way we monitor health, from tracking blood volume changes in diabetics to detecting concussions by filming the eyes." "Using the technology to spot melanoma in its early stages is...

Screening for Osteoporosis to Prevent Fractures: US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement: This 2018 Recommendation

Screening for Osteoporosis to Prevent Fractures: US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement: This 2018 Recommendation Statement from the US Preventive Services Task Force recommends screening for osteoporosis with bone measurement testing to prevent osteoporotic fractures in women 65...

Epigenetics may explain how Darwin's finches respond to rapid environmental changes, according to new research published

Epigenetics may explain how Darwin's finches respond to rapid environmental changes, according to new research published in the open access journal BMC Evolutionary Biology.

'Big Pork' Wants to Get In on Organ Transplants: The pork industry has always been creative about finding uses for pig byproducts.

'Big Pork' Wants to Get In on Organ Transplants: The pork industry has always been creative about finding uses for pig byproducts.

Good read. Animal Liberation by Peter Singer. A powerful book on animal rights written 40 years ago (updated 20 years ago

Good read. Animal Liberation by Peter Singer. A powerful book on animal rights written 40 years ago (updated 20 years ago and re-issued recently with an introduction by Yuval Hariri) and having stood the test of time and debate. It is called 'the bible' of the animal rights movement and rightly so ......

Junk DNA - a thorough but accessible account of modern genetics covering discoveries since mapping the human genome and

Junk DNA - a thorough but accessible account of modern genetics covering discoveries since mapping the human genome and epigenetics. Genomic imprinting, non-coding RNA, telomeres and ageing, etc. Everything discovered (or I forgot about) since I left medical school basically. Everything was explained...

Open journals that piggyback on arXiv gather momentum: Peer-review platforms built around online pre-print repositories

Open journals that piggyback on arXiv gather momentum: Peer-review platforms built around online pre-print repositories spread to astrophysics. Nature News.

Making healthy foods the default menu dupes people into eating better: In theme park experiment, Disney got guinea pig guests

Making healthy foods the default menu dupes people into eating better: In theme park experiment, Disney got guinea pig guests to swap fries for fruit.

Pigeons diagnose breast cancer on X-rays as well as radiologists | KurzweilAI

Pigeons diagnose breast cancer on X-rays as well as radiologists | KurzweilAI

Gene therapy staves off blindness from retinitis pigmentosa in canine model: Gene therapy preserved vision in a study involving

Gene therapy staves off blindness from retinitis pigmentosa in canine model: Gene therapy preserved vision in a study involving dogs with naturally occurring, late-stage retinitis pigmentosa, according to research funded by the National Eye Institute, part of the National Institutes of Health. The findings...

China creates gene-edited ‘micropigs’ to satisfy an emerging fringe pet market | ExtremeTech: The Beijing genomics institute

China creates gene-edited ‘micropigs’ to satisfy an emerging fringe pet market | ExtremeTech: The Beijing genomics institute is now offering genetically-modified 'micropig' pets in a variety of different flavors to the discriminating swine enthusiast.

Everyone should read what this man has to say about the refugee crisis: The British government has announced it will take

Everyone should read what this man has to say about the refugee crisis: The British government has announced it will take in 20,000 refugees from camps in Syria and its neighbouring states.