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showing posts for 'members'

Integrating basic sciences into clerkship rotation utilizing Kern’s six-step model of instructional design: lessons learned

Worked example of curriculum design using Kern's six-step approach. "Background It is generally agreed that basic and clinical sciences should be integrated throughout the undergraduate medical education, however, there is still need for continued formal integration of basic sciences into clinical...

Senior health professionals call for urgent climate briefing of all MPs by the chief scientific adviser: open letter to

Dear prime minister, We wish to make you aware of our concern for the health of Angus Rose, a 52 year old man, who at the time of writing is on day 34 of a hunger strike outside Parliament, consuming only fluids, vitamins, and minerals. His not unreasonable demand is that all members of parliament...

Internet user classification

Grampound it seems is classified as 'e-Rational Utilitarian' ... but who is shouting out for more local facilities and better internet infrastructure? Checks notes ... methodological individualist and political liberals with social stratification (i.e. class, status distinctions) playing a relatively...

Fusion energy record demonstrates powerplant future

"Landmark results from EUROfusion scientists and engineers at world-leading UK Atomic Energy Authority’s Joint European Torus (JET) facility in Oxford. "Record-breaking 59 megajoules of sustained fusion energy demonstrates powerplant potential and strengthens case for ITER." "The record and scientific...

University of Northampton: The impact of COVID-19 on digital delivery - initial trend analysis

The speed and intensity of transitioning to mass online delivery of teaching has left in its wake a unique digital record, the patterns and trends of which reveal the story of the sector grappling to respond.

Medical educators’ beliefs about teaching, learning, and knowledge: development of a new framework

Interesting paper about beliefs among medical educators. This has been developed with a qualitative study of undergraduate educators but the framework makes for good reading for those of us involved in urging colleagues and expert speakers to become more learner-centred. "The sharp divide between...

Covid bereavement group founder is 'inspirational young man'

Covid bereavement group founder is 'inspirational young man': The support group now has about 700 members around the UK and beyond. "On the evening of his father's funeral Liam Meyer launched a group to help other families whose lives had been ravaged by Covid-19. His father, David, died with Covid-19...

Effect of school closures on mortality from coronavirus disease 2019: old and new predictions

"It was predicted in March 2020 that in response to covid-19 a broad lockdown, as opposed to a focus on shielding the most vulnerable members of society, would reduce immediate demand for ICU beds at the cost of more deaths long term. The optimal strategy for saving lives in a covid-19 epidemic is different...

Imperial College's COVID-19 modelling

Report 9: Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to reduce COVID-19 mortality and healthcare demand. "We show that in the UK and US context, suppression will minimally require a combination of social distancing of the entire population, home isolation of cases and household quarantine of their...

German Digital Healthcare Act promotes digital health.

German Digital Healthcare Act - Frontiers Health: Bundestag adopts law on reimbursement for digital health application in Germany. "health apps, which can help patients to manage a diagnosed medical condition, can from January 2020 onwards be prescribed by their doctors. The costs are borne by the statutory...

Development of new antibiotics encouraged with new pharmaceutical payment system: The NHS will test the world's first ‘subscription’

Development of new antibiotics encouraged with new pharmaceutical payment system: The NHS will test the world's first ‘subscription’ style payment model to incentivise pharmaceutical companies to develop new drugs for resistant infections. "The new trial will be led by the National Institute for...

Healthcare students' perceptions about their role, confidence and competence to deliver brief public health interventions

Healthcare students' perceptions about their role, confidence and competence to deliver brief public health interventions and advice: Public health improvement has long been an important focus for the United Kingdom Department of Health. The Allied Health Professions (AHP) Federation has 84,000 members,...

How this local news co-op gets its members interested: Getting them involved in the production of news: The Bristol Cable

How this local news co-op gets its members interested: Getting them involved in the production of news: The Bristol Cable now has a solid stable of members who can be involved in every stage — from pitching story ideas to assisting in investigations to delivering the quarterly print paper.

What do Japanese residents learn from treating dying patients? The implications for training in end-of-life care: How medical

What do Japanese residents learn from treating dying patients? The implications for training in end-of-life care: How medical residents’ experiences with care for dying patients affect their emotional well-being, their learning outcomes, and the formation of their professional identities is not fully...

Patterns of change and continuity in ochre use during the late Middle Stone Age of the Horn of Africa: The Porc-Epic Cave

Patterns of change and continuity in ochre use during the late Middle Stone Age of the Horn of Africa: The Porc-Epic Cave record: Ochre is found at numerous Middle Stone Age (MSA) sites and plays a key role in early modern human archaeology. Here we analyse the largest known East African MSA ochre assemblage,...

NEJM Journal Watch Psychiatry Top Stories of 2016: On behalf of the editors of NEJM Journal Watch Psychiatry , I am pleased

NEJM Journal Watch Psychiatry Top Stories of 2016: On behalf of the editors of NEJM Journal Watch Psychiatry , I am pleased to present the Psychiatry Top Stories of 2016. The selection of the 10 best stories was, as always, difficult, with more than 200 summaries published in the past year that inform...

Parliamentary privilege—mortality in members of the Houses of Parliament compared with the UK general population: retrospective

Parliamentary privilege—mortality in members of the Houses of Parliament compared with the UK general population: retrospective cohort analysis, 1945-2011 John Dennis. Tim Crayford. BMJ.