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showing posts for 'host'

IT tools and gadgets

I really enjoy finding tools that just do the job and don't try to profit from you or your data. Here are some of the ones that I find useful. Send a large file or lots of files Transfer files up to 6GB in size. No registration required. No ads. Links expire. ...

Rediscovering Cryptpad

Cryptpad is for working collaboratively on documents such as Rich Text, Spread Sheets, Presentations, Whiteboards, and Project Boards. The server has no access to any of your data and the encryption is based on zero knowledge. You don't even need to give an email address to register - you pick a username...

Data-driven humanitarianism

An article from MIT Technology Review showing how the World Food Programme uses geospatial data that is developed and made 'open' to all by people within the areas being served. "It’s one of the most beautiful places on Earth, but its people are among the most vulnerable. Afghanistan’s snowy...

Open Access, Conspiracy Theories and the Democratization of Knowledge

The Scholarly Kitchen "We are in the middle of a new political dynamic here in the US – one that has been building for over a decade. This new dynamic has meant that science and scientists are being viewed with a level of distrust – and even, at times, hostility – that is unprecedented in modern...

Energy conference cancelled after Royal College of General Practitioners concern.

Energy conference cancelled after College concern. Professor Martin Marshall, Chair of the Royal College of GPs, said: “We deeply regret that a booking was accepted to host an event at our headquarters that conflicts with the College’s longstanding commitment to combat the impact of climate change...

Archivists Are Trying to Make Sure a

Archivists Are Trying to Make Sure a ‘Pirate Bay of Science’ Never Goes Down: A new project aims to make LibGen, which hosts 33 terabytes of scientific papers and books, much more stable. "It’s hard to find free and open access to scientific material online. The latest studies and current research...

Inspired by @oldaily's #el30 Elearning 3.0 series I have just added a #meded project to the distributed web. It now has

Inspired by @oldaily's #el30 Elearning 3.0 series I have just added a #meded project to the distributed web. It now has a permanent place on the web without even requiring a server. #eldercareApp So what does that all...

International Diagnostic Championship Inviting Med Students Worldwide to Participate |: Medical students around the world

International Diagnostic Championship Inviting Med Students Worldwide to Participate |: Medical students around the world are invited to participate in the first international diagnostic championship hosted by International Federation of

Using social media to support small group learning: Medical curricula are increasingly using small group learning and less

Using social media to support small group learning: Medical curricula are increasingly using small group learning and less didactic lecture-based teaching. This creates new challenges and opportunities in how students are best supported with information technology. We explored how university-supported...

Mind-Altering Cat Parasite Linked To a Whole Lot of Neurological Disorders - Slashdot: schwit1 shares a report from ScienceAlert:

Mind-Altering Cat Parasite Linked To a Whole Lot of Neurological Disorders - Slashdot: schwit1 shares a report from ScienceAlert: The brain-dwelling parasite Toxoplasma gondii is estimated to be hosted by at least 2 billion people around the world, and new evidence suggests the lodger could be more dangerous...

Could 3D printing solve the organ transplant shortage?: Scientists are racing to make replacement human organs with 3D printers.

Could 3D printing solve the organ transplant shortage?: Scientists are racing to make replacement human organs with 3D printers. But while the technology’s possibilities are exciting, already there are fears we could be ‘playing God’ ... spins the newspaper. Replacement body parts custom made...

The Simple Economics of Machine Intelligence. Technological revolutions tend to involve some important activity becoming

The Simple Economics of Machine Intelligence. Technological revolutions tend to involve some important activity becoming cheap, like the cost of communication or finding information. Machine intelligence is, in its essence, a prediction technology, so the economic shift will center around a drop in the...

"Noel Edmonds is a game show host, famous for Britain’s version of Deal or No Deal. As far as I can tell, he has no medical

"Noel Edmonds is a game show host, famous for Britain’s version of Deal or No Deal. As far as I can tell, he has no medical or scientific qualifications at all. This unfortunately has not stopped him from using his celebrity status to offer dubious medical advice via his Twitter feed. Such is the world...

Proof that Grampound has taste: THE rebuilt Grampound Hall hosted its first performance on October 5, 2004. On October

Proof that Grampound has taste: THE rebuilt Grampound Hall hosted its first performance on October 5, 2004. On October 4 the performance of C-scape's Taste was the 200th show held in the hall over those ten years. Those 200 shows...

UrlHosted Experiment: Host Content Within the URL - Slashdot

UrlHosted Experiment: Host Content Within the URL - Slashdot

Why it's time for English rugby fans to stop singing Swing Low, Sweet Chariot: The Rugby World Cup starts on Friday, with

Why it's time for English rugby fans to stop singing Swing Low, Sweet Chariot: The Rugby World Cup starts on Friday, with the hosts England facing off against Figi at Twickenham. As you'd expect, the home side's fans will be out in full force, and singing their hearts out in support of Stuart Lancaster's...