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showing posts for 'hol'

Psychology of panic buying

I've been fascinated by the psychology of panic buying and it is clearly an area for future research. It has an enormous impact on delivery infrastructure and I wonder if anyone has been tracking the data of the causes and the impact in the current fuel 'crisis'. A systematic review from last year identified...

Britain tells its food industry to prepare for CO2 price shock

"Britain warned its food producers on Wednesday to prepare for a 400% rise in carbon dioxide prices after extending emergency state support to avert a shortage of poultry and meat triggered by soaring costs of wholesale natural gas." State support has been given to a key producer for a period of 3 weeks.

New Delta strain believed to have emerged among 53,000 revellers at Boardmasters festival

Almost 5,000 infections have been linked to the Boardmasters festival in Cornwall, and with half a million music lovers at even larger events over the Bank Holiday, officials fear revellers are being hit by a new strain of the Delta variant

Gout and 'Podagra' in medieval Cambridge, England - PubMed International journal of paleopathology.

"The high prevalence rate of gout in the friary is at least partly explained by the consumption of alcohol and purine-rich diets by the friars and the wealthy townsfolk. Medieval medical texts from Cambridge show that gout (known as podagra) was sometimes treated with medications made from the root of...

'Laws of Nature Turned up to 11': Astronomers Spot Two Neutron Stars Being Swallowed by Black Holes

In two separate observations, just ten days apart, astronomers discover a neutron star circling a black hole before being gobbled up.

Australia's growing thirst for alcohol-free wine and beer

Demand for non-alcoholic drinks "explodes" as more Australians rethink their drinking habits.

Bank of England predicts rebound in the economy

"The Bank of England said Britain's economy would grow by the most since World War Two this year and slowed the pace of its trillion dollar bond-purchasing programme, but stressed it was not reversing its stimulus." Strong indications finally of a bounce back in the economy highlight the devastating...

AI unlocks ancient Dead Sea Scrolls mystery

"Cutting edge technology" reveals how scribes foiled modern scholars with one of the Biblical texts.

Essential Technologies: The Tally Stick - The Scholarly Kitchen

From the Upper Paleolithic Era up until the mid 1800s, the tally stick was a remarkably long-lived piece of technology.

Guest Post - A Model for Peer-to-Peer Workplace Learning - The Scholarly Kitchen

Gabe Harp discusses MIT Press' 'Skill Exchange', a peer to peer program to foster learning and professional development.

Five reasons why COVID herd immunity is probably impossible Christie Aschwanden. Nature 2021 591:7851.

Even with vaccination efforts in full force, the theoretical threshold for vanquishing COVID-19 looks to be out of reach. Even with vaccination efforts in full force, the theoretical threshold for vanquishing COVID-19 looks to be out of reach.

A Novel Convolutional Neural Network for the Diagnosis and Classification of Rosacea: Usability Study - PubMed JMIR medical

The findings of our study showed that by assessing clinical images, the CNN system in our study could identify rosacea with accuracy and precision comparable to that of an experienced dermatologist.

Validation of Claims-Based Algorithms to Identify Patients with Psoriasis - PubMed Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety.

Claims-based algorithms based on a combination of PsO diagnosis codes and dispensing for PsO-specific treatments had a moderate-to-high PPV. These algorithms can serve as a useful tool to identify patients with PsO in future real-world data pharmacoepidemiologic studies. This article is protected by...

Why does Netflix’s The Dig exclude the women who photographed Sutton Hoo? - Prospect Magazine

"The filmmakers’ massaging of the facts tells us a lot about how middle-aged women are regarded by Hollywood." Great piece by Emma Hartley in Prospect Magazine about the Netflix film The Dig at Sutton Hoo.

A Psychologist's Journey to Treating Phobias with VR - VR for Health

VRforHealth invites you to learn about the work of Howard Gurr, licensed psychologist in New York State, and his journey toward the use of Virtual Reality Therapy in helping patients overcome phobias and anxieties and assist in the enhancement of mindfulness. Since the pandemic, Howard practices VR therapy...

Open Access, Conspiracy Theories and the Democratization of Knowledge

The Scholarly Kitchen "We are in the middle of a new political dynamic here in the US – one that has been building for over a decade. This new dynamic has meant that science and scientists are being viewed with a level of distrust – and even, at times, hostility – that is unprecedented in modern...

Using the right tools for the job

Since this blog has been up I've fiddled with some text analysis stuff by analysing the text and making recommendations for similar blog entries. Did it all in PHP and MySQL just to understand how the algorithms work. Eventually it started to take about 5 hours to: tokenise and stemming the textcalculate...

Feeding your cat a very meaty diet may mean it kills less wildlife

In a small trial in the UK, pet cats fed on an unusually meaty diet brought home 36 per cent fewer prey animals than cats given a typical diet. "Domestic cats seem to hunt less when their diets are richer in animal-sourced protein, suggesting that feeding cats more meat could help reduce their impact...

Brain-Based Learning, Myth versus Reality: Testing Learning Styles and Dual Coding | Science-Based Medicine: Ed. Note: Today

Brain-Based Learning, Myth versus Reality: Testing Learning Styles and Dual Coding | Science-Based Medicine: Ed. Note: Today we present a guest post from Josh Cuevas, a cognitive psychologist and assistant professor in the College of Education at the University of North Georgia. Enjoy! "Since early on...

Victorian hologram keeps music in touch with lockdown audience

"Victorian hologram keeps music in touch with lockdown audience: Musicians are using an interactive hologram based on Victorian technology to reach fans in the locked down world of the coronavirus pandemic." The two musicians join a pianist who is live on stage. They are made to appear on stage because...