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showing posts for 'enough'

Why an Indian Program Is Training ‘Quacks’ to Stand in for Doctors: Rural India doesn’t have enough physicians—but

Why an Indian Program Is Training ‘Quacks’ to Stand in for Doctors: Rural India doesn’t have enough physicians—but it has plenty of local, self-styled medical practitioners. Which is better for public health: cracking down on them, or encouraging their work?

More than 10,000 problems fixed through 'Improve Detroit' cell phone app: In a city that is large enough to fit Boston,

More than 10,000 problems fixed through 'Improve Detroit' cell phone app: In a city that is large enough to fit Boston, Manhattan and San Francisco, it's not easy for Detroit workers to find – and fix – thousands of problems that exist in many long-neglected neighborhoods.

Four doctors respond to claims of self-entitlement over the right to strike: For junior doctors (up to the age of 35 on

Four doctors respond to claims of self-entitlement over the right to strike: For junior doctors (up to the age of 35 on average) the NHS is a single-monopoly employer. Australia offers three times the salary, lower living costs and, crucially, equivalent training to consultant level that is recognised...

Big Data has a degree problem by Meris Stansbury - e-Learning Feeds: The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)

Big Data has a degree problem by Meris Stansbury - e-Learning Feeds: The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) reveals that the growing data science field can pull from an incredible number of statistics majors, but it’s still not enough.