Thinking Allowed

medical / technology / education / art / flub

Just finished reading 'not exactly: in praise of vagueness' by Kees Van Deemter. Fantastic concepts and well explained but

Just finished reading 'not exactly: in praise of vagueness' by Kees Van Deemter. Fantastic concepts and well explained but I found it really hard going. He seemed to want to dive in to all the logic, theoretical background, and notation of the topic but then it would have felt more like a textbook.

The sorites paradox is used throughout to introduce the notion of vague, how it allows borderline cases and defies crisp interpretation.

Natural language processing by artificial intelligence is explored and basically machines are utterly hopeless at capturing what seems to be a preference for vagueness in human communication.


vagueness crisp utterly hopeless borderline notation deemter kees