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A checklist for reporting, reading and evaluating Artificial Intelligence Technology Enhanced Learning (AITEL) research

"This paper proposes a checklist for reporting on AI systems, and covers the initial protocols and scoping, modelling and code, algorithm design, training data, testing and validation, usage, comparisons, real-world requirements, results and limitations, and ethical considerations. The aim is to have a systematic reporting process so that readers can have a comprehensive understanding of the AI system that was used in the research."

The AITEL reporting checklist.

Part 1: Protocols and scoping

Part 2: Modelling and code

Part 3: Algorithm design

Part 4: Training data (if M-L)

Part 5: Testing/validation (new systems)

Part 6: Use/testing/validation (known systems)

Part 7: Comparisons (if comparisons are made)

Part 8: Real-world requirements

Part 9: Results

Part 10: Discussion

Part 11: Ethics


Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

reporting checklist part comparisons validation aitel testing protocols