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AI beats real doctors on 149 remote OSCE-style tests

"We tested performance in consultations with simulated patients (played by trained actors), compared to those performed by 20 real PCPs using the randomized approach described above. AMIE and PCPs were assessed from the perspectives of both specialist attending physicians and our simulated patients in a randomized, blinded crossover study that included 149 case scenarios from OSCE providers in Canada, the UK and India in a diverse range of specialties and diseases." ...

"AMIE outperformed Primary Care Physicians on multiple evaluation axes for diagnostic dialogue in our evaluations."

Doctors have been helped by computers for decades but now there is a perception of competition. This latest blog from Google demonstrates some outstanding performance but via a tightly controlled interface.


Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

pcps amie simulated randomized physicians osce-style osce blinded