Thinking Allowed

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This AI Trained on the Life Events of Every Person in Denmark. It Can Now Predict Their Future.

Artificial intelligence is very good at finding patterns. Given enough data it will start making telling you what's going to happen.

"The AI can make highly accurate predictions about people’s lives, including how likely they are to die in a given time window and their personality traits." ...

"When they asked it to guess the likelihood of someone dying in that period, it outperformed the current state-of-the-art by 11 percent. They also got the model to make predictions about how people scored on a personality test, and the results outperformed models specifically trained for that task. ...

Obviously, this kind of research raises some thorny questions about privacy and human agency. But the researchers point out that private companies are almost certainly doing similar things with their own data, so it’s useful to understand what these kinds of techniques make possible."


personality outperformed make predictions trained given ai thorny