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Artificial intelligence for healthcare and medical education: a systematic review

"After searching and reading a large amount of literature, we were surprised to find that most of the literature related to “AI+medical/medical education” was of low quality... This suggests us to conduct new research or improve the quality of research related to AI and medical/medical education. ...

Artificial intelligence technology not only drives global medical education reform, but also reshapes the medical education ecology, changing the space-time landscape and supply levels of medical education, making it possible to personalize and diversify medical education on a large scale.

In the future, we need to pay close attention to the problems and challenges that AI poses to medicine and medical education, and work with the scholars and society to drive medical education toward higher quality, efficiency, and sustainability."

Li Sun. Changhao Yin. Qiuling Xu. Weina Zhao. American Journal of Translational Research.


medical education quality ai literature research related artificial