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medical / technology / education / art / flub

Student Performance on an E-Learning Platform: Mixed Method Approach

Student Performance on an E-Learning Platform: Mixed Method Approach: E-learning is considered a leading application of digital technologies in educational systems. The aim of the paper is to explore the utilization and impact of digital technologies on an e-learning platform. For this purpose, research was conducted at the Moodle learning management system. Data from the e-learning platform were empirically evaluated in order to find key indicators of student performance in different courses. Student success with the e-learning system was evaluated using a mixed-method: Social Network Analysis, K-Means Clustering, and Multiple Linear Regression. The research was conducted at the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Serbia. The results indicate a significant relationship between the performance of students and the use of digital educational resources from the e-learning platform. Slavko Rakic. Nemanja Tasic. Ugljesa Marjanovic. Selver Softic. Egon Lüftenegger. Ioan Turcin. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET).

"the students with similar performance are in the same cluster and that the intensity of use of resources correlates with the achieved scores"


e-learning platform performance student technologies digital mixed evaluated