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Tales of the Undead ... Learning Theories: The Learning Pyramid | ACRLog The story and myth of Edgar Dale's cone of experience.

Tales of the Undead ... Learning Theories: The Learning Pyramid | ACRLog

The story and myth of Edgar Dale's cone of experience.

"If you’re involved with student learning, you are probably familiar with the Learning Pyramid. This diagram breaks down different modes of learning and argues that more active modalities are better for long-term learning: we remember 10% of what we read, 20% of what we hear, 30% of what we see, and so on, all the way up to 90% of what we do. ... This is a zombie learning theory that refuses to die. Whether it’s called the Cone of Learning or the Learning Pyramid, or demonstrates retention rates by another graphic, it keeps getting its head methodically removed by a dedicated cadre of researchers, yet rises up again in search of more brains. In this post, we’ll review the history of the pyramid, why it’s wrong, and why it never dies."


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