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Good read - The Path. A quick overview of 5 Chinese philosophies making them relevant to how we should think about how we

Good read - The Path. A quick overview of 5 Chinese philosophies making them relevant to how we should think about how we live today.

I've not read much about them and assumed they were pretty much ancient and irrelevant, reduced to one-liner aphorisms, but Michael Puett has been teaching a popular course at Harvard and this book brings a very different perspective. So, I have reduced them to one-liners to make it seem like I quickly understood centuries of philosophical thought in one book.

Confucius - our relationships with others are complex and changing so we use rituals (from simple greetings to lengthy ceremonies) to better judge how we should adapt and build those relationships.

Mencius - the world is unpredictable and capricious so we should plan accordingly and be guided to make the right decisions by the goodness of our emotions.

Laozi - power comes from seeming weakness with influence coming from understanding the connections between disparate things, situations, and people.

Zhuangzi - we should seek trained spontaneity by understanding the constant change in world, sensing the Way, and working effectively with it.

Xunzi - there is no correct way of things since everything is artifice and our choices decide what the world will be.


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