Thinking Allowed

medical / technology / education / art / flub

showing posts for 'seconds'

Using the right tools for the job

Since this blog has been up I've fiddled with some text analysis stuff by analysing the text and making recommendations for similar blog entries. Did it all in PHP and MySQL just to understand how the algorithms work. Eventually it started to take about 5 hours to: tokenise and stemming the textcalculate...

Using whale songs to image beneath the ocean

Using whale songs to image beneath the ocean’s floor: Seismic data generated by whale songs helps build a picture of the ocean's base. "The song of a fin whale is not exactly the sort of thing you'd typically describe as musical. It's generally in the area of 20Hz, which sounds more like a series of...

Sports During COVID-19 - When What Doesn't Matter Actually Matters a Lot

Sports During COVID-19 - When What Doesn't Matter Actually Matters a Lot - HIV and ID Observations: "A few weeks ago, I got a text from a long-time ID colleague here in Boston: Hey Paul want ur opinion … this is for an interview with MLB radio, and no one knows less about baseball than I do, but...

Battery breakthrough charges in seconds, lasts for a week | KurzweilAI

Battery breakthrough charges in seconds, lasts for a week | KurzweilAI

The Plan to Avert Our Post-Antibiotic Apocalypse : A new report estimates that by 2050, drug-resistant infections will kill

The Plan to Avert Our Post-Antibiotic Apocalypse : A new report estimates that by 2050, drug-resistant infections will kill one person every three seconds, unless the world’s governments take drastic steps now.