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showing posts for 'resistant'

Discovery of a structural class of antibiotics with explainable deep learning.

One of the challenges with deep learning (neural networks) is that although they find patterns the reasoning disappears into an endless detail of numbers. In this paper the researchers built an 'explainable' AI to discover antibiotics instead of such a 'black box'. "The discovery of novel structural...

Life-threatening infections on the rise due to drug-resistant bacteria, new WHO report reveals 

Over 50 per cent of life-threatening bacterial infections are becoming resistant to treatment, a new World Health Organization (WHO) report published on Friday reveals. 

Artificial intelligence yields new antibiotic

Artificial intelligence yields new antibiotic: A deep-learning model identifies a powerful new drug that can kill many species of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. “The idea of using predictive computer models for “in silico” screening is not new, but until now, these models were not sufficiently...

Are there automation-resistant intelligences? The question we all want to ask is 'will my job be taken over by a robot?'

Are there automation-resistant intelligences? The question we all want to ask is 'will my job be taken over by a robot?' "Our model predicts that most workers in transportation and logistics occupations, together with the bulk of office and administrative support workers, and labour in production occupations,...

Development of new antibiotics encouraged with new pharmaceutical payment system: The NHS will test the world's first ‘subscription’

Development of new antibiotics encouraged with new pharmaceutical payment system: The NHS will test the world's first ‘subscription’ style payment model to incentivise pharmaceutical companies to develop new drugs for resistant infections. "The new trial will be led by the National Institute for...

The Plan to Avert Our Post-Antibiotic Apocalypse : A new report estimates that by 2050, drug-resistant infections will kill

The Plan to Avert Our Post-Antibiotic Apocalypse : A new report estimates that by 2050, drug-resistant infections will kill one person every three seconds, unless the world’s governments take drastic steps now.

Penguin feathers’ ice-resistant design revealed | Chemistry World

Penguin feathers’ ice-resistant design revealed | Chemistry World

Machine-learning technique uncovers unknown features of multi-drug-resistant pathogen | KurzweilAI

Machine-learning technique uncovers unknown features of multi-drug-resistant pathogen | KurzweilAI

Antibiotic resistance: World on cusp of 'post-antibiotic era' - BBC News: Bacteria are now resistant to drugs of last resort

Antibiotic resistance: World on cusp of 'post-antibiotic era' - BBC News: Bacteria are now resistant to drugs of last resort meaning the world is on the cusp of a "post-antibiotic era", warn scientists.