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showing posts for 'manual'

65 Reasons To Celebrate The 6502

blog post image "The legendary chip from 1975 that helped start the home computer revolution." I can remember sharing the manual for the 6502 with my school friend, Chris. He had a BBC micro computer and I had a Commodore Vic 20. To do the machine code I remember you had to: compile into 6502 instructions what you...

Brain-Based Learning, Myth versus Reality: Testing Learning Styles and Dual Coding | Science-Based Medicine: Ed. Note: Today

Brain-Based Learning, Myth versus Reality: Testing Learning Styles and Dual Coding | Science-Based Medicine: Ed. Note: Today we present a guest post from Josh Cuevas, a cognitive psychologist and assistant professor in the College of Education at the University of North Georgia. Enjoy! "Since early on...

People in Japan are wearing exoskeletons to keep working as they age: To solve the problem of Japan’s ageing workforce,

People in Japan are wearing exoskeletons to keep working as they age: To solve the problem of Japan’s ageing workforce, tech companies have developed exoskeletons that help older workers continue to do heavy manual labour

Just killed off my @paper_li paper #EdMedTech Daily as it just proved impossible to filter out all the alternative health

Just killed off my @paper_li paper #EdMedTech Daily as it just proved impossible to filter out all the alternative health nonsense and proposed diabetes cures. The microblogging service that uses your twitter followers and keywords to create a daily summary of interesting stories also left you with...

The Polarization of the U.S. Labor Market Autor, David H. Katz, Lawrence F. Kearney, Melissa S. "We show how a model of

The Polarization of the U.S. Labor Market Autor, David H. Katz, Lawrence F. Kearney, Melissa S. "We show how a model of computerization in which computers most strongly complement the non-routine (abstract) cognitive tasks of high-wage jobs, directly substitute for the routine tasks found in many traditional...

Just finished reading Enabling Collaboration - a book on "achieving success through strategic alliances and partnerships"

Just finished reading Enabling Collaboration - a book on "achieving success through strategic alliances and partnerships" by Martin Echavarria (@coherence360). Getting things done invariably involves working with others and when those others are themselves complex organisations it requires some thought....

The rise of the robots Excellent read but of a gloomy dystopian future where robots and software take over manual tasks

The rise of the robots Excellent read but of a gloomy dystopian future where robots and software take over manual tasks (as they already have done) and also skilled labour displacing even highly skilled jobs in time. Healthcare might survive a little longer but physicians assistants empowered by...