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showing posts for 'impossible'

Assessing learners - a mindset for the era of generative AI.

ChatGPT assignments to use in your classroom today. "Teachers and faculty everywhere first need to adopt a mindset that acknowledges the availability of AI and the likelihood that students will use it. As a result, we need to adjust our expectations of students. With online tests, maybe we should stop...

Spem in alium nunquam habui (Hope in any other, never did I have)

This piece of music is probably like nothing you have ever heard. Maybe because it is nearly 500 years old it feels like it is from another world. Maybe because it is written for eight choirs with five voices each the forty parts it's so complex you'd be pressed even to hum some of the tune afterwards....

Senior health professionals call for urgent climate briefing of all MPs by the chief scientific adviser: open letter to

Dear prime minister, We wish to make you aware of our concern for the health of Angus Rose, a 52 year old man, who at the time of writing is on day 34 of a hunger strike outside Parliament, consuming only fluids, vitamins, and minerals. His not unreasonable demand is that all members of parliament...

It just got a little easier to move your Facebook posts to some other platform

Social networks have typically followed the roach motel model of customer data: Make it easy to push data in, but hard/impossible to pull it back out. Platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter all make money by knowing what information you've (wittingly or unwittingly) handed over â…

Five reasons why COVID herd immunity is probably impossible Christie Aschwanden. Nature 2021 591:7851.

Even with vaccination efforts in full force, the theoretical threshold for vanquishing COVID-19 looks to be out of reach. Even with vaccination efforts in full force, the theoretical threshold for vanquishing COVID-19 looks to be out of reach.

It's too late to ban face recognition - here's what we need instead

It's too late to ban face recognition - here's what we need instead: Plans to ban face recognition in public places would only halt a tiny fraction of its use. Instead we need to regulate the technology [as with the provisions in GDPR] - and fast. "Calls for an outright ban on face recognition technology...

Bloom's 2 Sigma Problem

I've been looking for another way of presenting evidence for instructional design that is more efficient than simple lectures. The data collected by Benjamin Bloom and published in 1984 seems useful and I've redrawn the graph so it looks more modern than the line drawings of the original. Learning as...

Just killed off my @paper_li paper #EdMedTech Daily as it just proved impossible to filter out all the alternative health

Just killed off my @paper_li paper #EdMedTech Daily as it just proved impossible to filter out all the alternative health nonsense and proposed diabetes cures. The microblogging service that uses your twitter followers and keywords to create a daily summary of interesting stories also left you with...

iPhone app tracks 600 patients in biggest ever study of Parkinson’s Disease: Smartphones come stuffed with sensors –

iPhone app tracks 600 patients in biggest ever study of Parkinson’s Disease: Smartphones come stuffed with sensors – now doctors are using them to study people's health on a scale impossible before

A fingerprint test for ivory has been developed to help identify poachers: Police officers may soon be able to identify

A fingerprint test for ivory has been developed to help identify poachers: Police officers may soon be able to identify wildlife poachers by retrieving fingerprints from smuggled ivory, new research has revealed. Around 50,000 African elephants are thought to be poached each year, but it had been thought...

Mammoth 2.0: will genome engineering resurrect extinct species?: It is impossible to ‘clone’ species for which no living

Mammoth 2.0: will genome engineering resurrect extinct species?: It is impossible to ‘clone’ species for which no living cells exist. Genome editing may therefore provide the only means to bring extinct species — or, more accurately, extinct traits — back to life. Beth Shapiro. Genome Biology.

Don't Panic - End Poverty

Video "Hans Rosling asks: Has the UN gone mad? The United Nations just announced their boldest goal ever: To eradicate extreme poverty for all people everywhere, already by 2030. Looking at the realities of extremely poor people the goal seems impossible. The rains didn’t fall in Malawi this year....

NHS leadership in crisis as running hospitals becomes near-impossible | Denis Campbell: Health trusts are haemorrhaging

NHS leadership in crisis as running hospitals becomes near-impossible | Denis Campbell: Health trusts are haemorrhaging chief executives under pressure to balance the books and deliver high-quality care