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showing posts for 'documentation'

65 Reasons To Celebrate The 6502

blog post image "The legendary chip from 1975 that helped start the home computer revolution." I can remember sharing the manual for the 6502 with my school friend, Chris. He had a BBC micro computer and I had a Commodore Vic 20. To do the machine code I remember you had to: compile into 6502 instructions what you...

Google Publicly Releases Internal Developer Documentation Style Guide - Slashdot: BrianFagioli shares a report from BetaNews:

Google Publicly Releases Internal Developer Documentation Style Guide - Slashdot: BrianFagioli shares a report from BetaNews: The documentation aspect of any project is very important, as it can help people to both understand it and track changes. Unfortunately, many developers aren't very interested...

That feeling when you see your code (or at least an interpretation of it) in the innards of some project. I've been asked

That feeling when you see your code (or at least an interpretation of it) in the innards of some project. I've been asked to help look around the innards of onexamination again to make it even slicker and better. Found a lovely Chebyshev rational function staring out at us from the code. "After all...