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showing posts for 'beautiful'

Data-driven humanitarianism

An article from MIT Technology Review showing how the World Food Programme uses geospatial data that is developed and made 'open' to all by people within the areas being served. "It’s one of the most beautiful places on Earth, but its people are among the most vulnerable. Afghanistan’s snowy...

Fjord fiesta: the Norwegian farmhouse ales festival 2017: In Hornindal, in beautiful remotest Western Norway, if you tried

Fjord fiesta: the Norwegian farmhouse ales festival 2017: In Hornindal, in beautiful remotest Western Norway, if you tried to explain to the locals the fuss being made about cloudy New England IPAs, they would laugh, or look bemused. There are around a hu…

The Future of Interfaces: Chatbots: Interface is not that beautiful layout? No, not necessarily.

The Future of Interfaces: Chatbots: Interface is not that beautiful layout? No, not necessarily.