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showing posts for '1980'

Biopharma 2020: A landmark year and a reset for the future

Biopharma in 2020 has shown what it can achieve when it works at its best. How can the industry build on this renewed sense of purpose in the years ahead? McKinsey biopharma 2020 3 Overarching trends Operating under a spotlight - expectation of innovationNavigating protracted economic uncertainty -...

Early warnings and emerging accountability: Total's responses to global warming, 1971-2021 Global Environmental Change.

Building upon recent work on other major fossil fuel companies, we report new archival research and primary source interviews describing how Total responded to evolving climate science and policy in the last 50 years. We show that Total personnel received warnings of the potential for catastrophic global...

Declining Life Expectancy in the United States

This Viewpoint reviews the social and economic drivers of declines in longevity in the US, especially among lower socioeconomic status groups, and proposes policy options for the Biden-Harris administration to mitigate the trend, including an increase in the federally mandated minimum wage. Atheendar...

Medical Mystery: Something Happened to U.S. Health Spending After 1980: The spending began soaring beyond that of other

Medical Mystery: Something Happened to U.S. Health Spending After 1980: The spending began soaring beyond that of other advanced nations, but without the same benefits in life expectancy.

Science funding: Will 'picking winners' work? - BBC News: Why has the government returned to an industrial strategy abandoned

Science funding: Will 'picking winners' work? - BBC News: Why has the government returned to an industrial strategy abandoned in the 1980s?

The legacy of leaving old industrial Britain to rot is becoming clear | Larry Elliott: The hollowing-out of industrial Britain

The legacy of leaving old industrial Britain to rot is becoming clear | Larry Elliott: The hollowing-out of industrial Britain since the 1980s is the single biggest change to the UK economy in the postwar era