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showing posts for 'blog'

Multimodal Neurons in Artificial Neural Networks

We’ve discovered neurons in CLIP that respond to the same concept whether presented literally, symbolically, or conceptually.

Data trusts: what are they and how do they work?

"The trade unions of the data economy." "How do we, the general public, gain greater control over the estimated 2.5 quintillion bytes of data that is recorded, stored, processed and analysed, every day?" This also links to the DataSkop project from AlgorithmWatch.

The Technology Behind Cinematic Photos

There has been some work by teams at Google looking at analysing images to extract their 3D features. They launched a new feature called 'cinematic photos' and this blog posted by Per Karlsson and Lucy Yu, Software Engineers, of Google Research tries to explain how it works. "Looking at photos from...

Why Are COVID-19 Case Numbers Dropping?

"We don’t know. That part is easy. Also easy is that case numbers really are falling — it’s not just reduced testing — and it’s happening pretty much everywhere. Urban areas and rural. Red states and blue. Places with broad vaccine rollouts and those with hardly any. North and South America,...

Using the right tools for the job

Since this blog has been up I've fiddled with some text analysis stuff by analysing the text and making recommendations for similar blog entries. Did it all in PHP and MySQL just to understand how the algorithms work. Eventually it started to take about 5 hours to: tokenise and stemming the textcalculate...

The 10 Biggest Trends in Entrepreneurship to Look For in 2021

Want to know what’s in store for entrepreneurs in 2021? Here’s a rundown of the top ten trends every entrepreneur should know about.

Corporate diversity

Why you should look beyond the typical labels: This article highlights the benefits of having a diverse talent pool in your organization, taking into consideration their unique backstory.

3D Scene Understanding with TensorFlow 3D

Posted by Alireza Fathi, Research Scientist and Rui Huang, AI Resident, Google Research "The growing ubiquity of 3D sensors (e.g., Lidar, depth sensing cameras and radar) over the last few years has created a need for scene understanding technology that can process the data these devices capture. Such...

Phrase of the day: Scaling Kubernetes to 7,500 Nodes

Scaling Kubernetes to 7,500 Nodes: We've scaled Kubernetes clusters to 7,500 nodes, producing a scalable infrastructure for large models like GPT-3, CLIP, and DALL·E, but also for rapid small-scale iterative research such as Scaling Laws for Neural Language Models. Scaling a single Kubernetes cluster...

Word of the day: deprecated

Geek talk. The tech behind this blog which takes any link that I find interesting and, instead of curating it for LinkedIn / Twitter / Facebook, curates it here on something I have control over broke. I accidentally upgraded the server to PHP8 and an old function in PHP each() no longer worked. Took...

Introducing Open-AI's DALL-E.

Ever wondered what an armchair in the shape of an avocado might look like? Introducing Open-AI's DALL-E. Does this help with accessibility by explaining things in pictures from written words? Does it risk replacing humans in the creative industry with machines? "DALL·E: Creating Images from...

Meet Nazirini AI App developer in Uganda

Machine learning meets African agriculture: Developers using TensorFlow to fight crop pests in Uganda. Meet Nazirini one of the developers.

OntarioMD expanding virtual events, as first virtual conference breaks participation records

OntarioMD expanding virtual events, as first virtual conference breaks participation records

Sports During COVID-19 - When What Doesn't Matter Actually Matters a Lot

Sports During COVID-19 - When What Doesn't Matter Actually Matters a Lot - HIV and ID Observations: "A few weeks ago, I got a text from a long-time ID colleague here in Boston: Hey Paul want ur opinion … this is for an interview with MLB radio, and no one knows less about baseball than I do, but...

China Chopper still active 9 years later

China Chopper still active 9 years later: A blog from the world class Intelligence Group, Talos, Cisco's Intelligence Group

More progress needed to achieve gender equality in NHS leadership - Hospital Dr

More progress needed to achieve gender equality in NHS leadership - Hospital Dr

Learning to Summarize with Human Feedback: We've applied reinforcement learning from human feedback to train language models

Learning to Summarize with Human Feedback: We've applied reinforcement learning from human feedback to train language models that are better at summarization. Our models generate summaries that are better than summaries from 10x larger models trained only with supervised learning. Even though we train...

New Steps to Combat Disinformation - Microsoft on the Issues: Today, Microsoft announces two new technologies to help battle

New Steps to Combat Disinformation - Microsoft on the Issues: Today, Microsoft announces two new technologies to help battle disinformation – Newsguard, which will allow users to check the accuracy of the content they are reading, and Video Authenticator, which can detect deepfakes and other synthetic...

Abandon lectures: increase attendance, attitudes and attainment

Abandon lectures: increase attendance, attitudes and attainment: In a recent debate with Stephen Downes, I spent some time going through dozens of papers and meta-studies showing that the lecture is a larg...

Using Machine Learning to Detect Deficient Coverage in Colonoscopy Screenings

Using Machine Learning to Detect Deficient Coverage in Colonoscopy Screenings: Posted by Daniel Freedman and Ehud Rivlin, Research Scientists, Google Health "In “Detecting Deficient Coverage in Colonoscopies”, we introduce the Colonoscopy Coverage Deficiency via Depth algorithm, or C2D2, a machine...